<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/e7588072-b94f-45f4-8084-50c2a53249f2/f9385daf-1d02-4fa4-b404-555db219b8c0/signpost.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/e7588072-b94f-45f4-8084-50c2a53249f2/f9385daf-1d02-4fa4-b404-555db219b8c0/signpost.png" width="40px" /> **Quick Access Main: Multi-Campaign RPG Template Character Central Groups Central Setting Central Player Central

Quick Links (WoD)

Campaigns: Active Campaigns

Help: How to use this template on FAQ Naming conventions Change Log**


<aside> <img src="/icons/notion_purple.svg" alt="/icons/notion_purple.svg" width="40px" /> Mela’s Notion Resources for RPG

Resources Tools & Resources for RPG Mela’s Notion RPG resources Templates

A RPG Player’s Inventory

Main: Multi-Campaign RPG Template

RPG Campaign Information & Relationship Manager

5-min-e solo-RPG

5-min-e solo-RPG — Deutsch

Mela im Notion Template Directory


<aside> <img src="/icons/list-indent_purple.svg" alt="/icons/list-indent_purple.svg" width="40px" /> ToC


First Steps

  1. Get your self a copy of this template by using the “Duplicate” feature on the main page.
  2. Change “Main” in the side menu to your main page.


To provide Notion pages to your campaign there is, as far as I know, no ‘Team’ account needed. Just add people by the eMail address they’ve used to sign up to notion with.



Everybody working with your campaign’s pages needs to have a Notion account.

In case you wan’t to keep your pages fully closed to the public this means, you have to add every player with the eMail address they’ve used to sign up to notion.

Basic Security

Making everything world writeable may be convenient but it also makes your pages vulnerable open to trolls and haters. Don’t do it.

Basic rule for security is: Give your users as many rights as needed but as few as possible. Most people don’t intent harm. But people make errors and by not giving everybody maximum rights you’ll limit the amount of damage done by errors.

Access Rights in a Nutshell

Go to “Share” in the upper right corner and click on it. You’ll see an “Invite” field. Add the eMail you users used to sign up to Notion with.


The available access rights are:

Full access — Users with Full access rights will be able to edit and also add new people or change sharing settings. Give this to as few users as possible — for example to your moderators — but also try not to be a single point of failure. If you can’t add new users, somebody else should be able to.

Can edit — Self-explanatory

Can comment — can use the comment function of notion (for example, to request changes) but cannot make changes to the content itself.

Can view — the most basic access right to give to your players if you want to keep your pages closed to the public.

Inheritance of Rights

In Notion rights given will be inherited.

For example:

A person that has writing rights to the main page Main: Multi-Campaign RPG Template will have writing rights on all pages.

A person having writing rights to Character Central will also have writing rights on the and all character pages.

Publishing in a Nutshell

Bildschirmfoto 2023-09-03 um 18.30.19.png

How tf does this work together?

I’ve created some diagrams to explain it:

How tf is all of this connected?

Adapting and Customizing this Template

To fit the needs of your game you can change this template as you see fit. For example have a look at the database templates of Campaign Central, Character Central, Setting Central, Groups Central, Log Central and Player Central and change and enhance them to your needs.

You’ll find the templates if you click on the downwards arrow on the “New” button:

Bildschirmfoto 2023-09-16 um 02.57.46.png

Database Templates

Right now there is a limited set of database templates available. If you don’t want to start your own database template from scratch, duplicate an existing template and change it to your needs.


This template is meant for use on (multi-splat) RPG servers. This means databases can become big. To show only the relevant parts on sub-pages this template uses filters. To make this template useful, you need to check the filters on any new page added (with a database template). The filter system is pretty easy to understand. For more details look at How tf is all of this connected?

Cleaning up

If you are not a multi-splat server but a Werewolf or Vampire only one, you might want to throw out all the fluff from the databases like Changeling etc. stuff. But before you delete all those properties and then have to add it later again, because somebody suddenly wants to rund a Hunter game, consider using the “hide property” function instead of deleting them.

Changing Icons and Header Images

Click on the page’s icon to change it. I’ve used free icons from flaticon.com in the “Lineal Color” style.

Hover with you mouse over the header image. The menu “Change cover / Reposition” appears. Click on “Change cover”. I’ve created the covers in Canva.

Canva template

To make your own header images, without starting from scratch, get yourself a copy of my Canva template. (Color and font style can be found searching for “lively”, main font is “Glacial indifference”)

Making the most out of Notion

Similar to Wiki software, Notion is most powerful by making it possibly to easily link to existing pages from anywhere. To link to an existing page anywhere, just type a @ and then type the first characters of the name of the page you want to link to.

Get in touch …

I created this template with very little input based on the experiences made during an series of one-shots. Thus this template can be improved. A lot.

Thus please get in touch to give critique or offer insight into how you and your server is using this template and what works for you and what does not.

If you create cool new database templates that would be helpful for other and future users of this template: I’d be honored if you’d share them with me to improve this template further.

<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/e7588072-b94f-45f4-8084-50c2a53249f2/14130995-381f-4d12-95e1-4e24b63f3c72/attribute.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/e7588072-b94f-45f4-8084-50c2a53249f2/14130995-381f-4d12-95e1-4e24b63f3c72/attribute.png" width="40px" /> Template by: Mela EckenfelsBuy me a coffee Icons by Freepik: board game icons attribution icon decentralized theatre mask map maps rpg-game role-playing writing learning signpost meeting format family age-group diamond werewolf vampire witch-hat paw stained-glass-window internet friends group people to-do-list happiness feather-pen speech-bubble businessman ink wreath fairytale project painting duplicate log feedback tangle who calendar

Portions of the materials are the copyrights and trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB, and are used with permission. All rights reserved. For more information please visit worldofdarkness.com. This template is no official World of Darkness material

