<aside> <img src="/icons/directional-sign_green.svg" alt="/icons/directional-sign_green.svg" width="40px" /> Start here: Start Using This Template


This FAQ might become quickly outdated. Keep a link to the original FAQ: https://mar.mela.de/st-faq

<aside> <img src="/icons/list-indent_green.svg" alt="/icons/list-indent_green.svg" width="40px" /> Table of Contents

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This template exists in the current form only thanks to Alanna Smithhttps://www.notion.so/@dnacreative ←, wo taught me how to access two separate databases with a formula.

Why Another Submission Tracker?

There are extremely good submission trackers with tons of functions already available. Why another one?

Well, while I love https://thegrinder.diabolicalplots.com/ very much, adding new markets is only possible by sending the market as a feature request. This is just not the flexibility I needed. Since I’m organizing more or less my whole life already in Notion, I’ve just wrote one myself. And since I’ve wrote one for myself, I also can make it available as a template, because: why not?

Start Using This Template

  1. Add your polished stories to the Stories database. Don’t forget to add the word count (rounded to the next 100 words).
  2. What type of story is it? https://www.writing-world.com/fiction/length.shtml → Property “Length”
  3. What genre? → Property “Genre”
  4. Who should read it? → Property “Age Range”
  5. Search online for markets you want to submit to.
  6. Enter markets you want to submit to: Markets
    1. Enter all the important information, like “simultaneous submissions accepted”
    2. Are they accepting submissions? Always? Is there a window? → Properties: “Market opens/Market closes”
    3. Is there an entry or reading fee? → Properties: “Entry Fee”, “$”
      1. About reading fees, have a look at these posts: https://www.sfwa.org/2018/03/26/the-egregious-practice-of-charging-reading-fees/, https://writerbeware.blog/about/ and https://www.sfwa.org/fees/
    4. Is it a paying market? → Properties: “Paid”, “Pay”, “Currency”, “per”
  7. Start matching markets to stories → Matching Stories to Markets
  8. Check the property “Qualifying Markets”
  9. Start planning and sending out submissions & adding them to the “Submission” database

<aside> <img src="/icons/directional-sign_green.svg" alt="/icons/directional-sign_green.svg" width="40px" /> Navigation

Submission Tracker


Submission Calls to Look Out For






Change Log


Find more tools and resources for writers in my resource collection:

Tools & Resources for Writers | Notion



Cleaning Up

Some properties, like the “Genre” properties, are already filled with quite a number of options. This might be too cluttered, especially if you are writing in only one or a very small number of genres.

If this is the case, consider deleting the superfluous options. This is done by right clicking on the “Genre” property, then on “Edit property”, next on the little right pointing arrow right of every option’s name and finally on “Delete”.

This will prevent you from having to scroll through the whole list for the right genre every time you enter new Stories or Markets .





Dashboard Views

The dashboard first shows submitted stories and when results (either acceptance, rejection or requests for revision) are expected.

Below a card view of the market database shows all currently open markets, sorted by genre. If you have already matched stories to markets, it will also show stories with an appropriate word count.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-07-29 um 06.00.13.png


Flagged Markets

Not all players in the publishing business are nice. If you had a bad experience or if you find a market (or agent) on https://writerbeware.blog/ and if you want to remember never to submit to it, flag the market.


Header Images

I’ve created the header images in Canva: “https://www.canva.com/design/DAGMR1YfB14/ikfiZvfihCRk9OMVoqC5PQ/view?utm_content=DAGMR1YfB14&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink&mode=preview”. If you want to change the color theme of your Submission tracker, you can fetch the header image templates and change the colors. You’ll find the Notion HEX color codes on this helpful page: ‣

Submission Tracker Header Images


Matching Stories to Markets

Right now this is done by hand. Use the “Potential Markets” property to add markets that accept your stories genre best by using the “ Match Stories to Market” view. The template will then show you markets who’s requirement matches your story’s word count in the “Qualifying Markets” property.

<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_green.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_green.svg" width="40px" /> Template created by: Mela Eckenfels — find @ the Notion Template Directory

If you like it, consider buying me a coffee (ko-fi).

Have a look at my public Notion resources:

Templates: People Directory, Student Hub, Research Journal (Standalone), A RPG Player’s Inventory

Resources: Tools & Resources for Writers, , Tools & Resources for RPG, Recherche-Ressourcensammlungen (Resources for Doing Research — Main List), Tools fürs Studium, Ressourcen gegen Desinformation,

