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What is a Research Journal?

<aside> <img src="/icons/light-bulb_pink.svg" alt="/icons/light-bulb_pink.svg" width="40px" /> A research journal is a tool to reflect on your learning and research journey. Reflection should ideally let you discovering insights, not only about the topic you are researching, but also your whole process.

This should help to review and revise your process to improve outcome, quality and speed.



This Template as a Research Journal

Basically all the database documents flagged “Session” in the Student Hub Database Central’s “Type” property, are part of your Research Journal, and not only the documents flagged “Research Journal”.

They are meant to store your session notes and possibly your later reflection of the session’s topic.

You will also find several useful database templates to get started with your very own research journal.

Go to How to keep a Research Journal (WIP) for more info how to work with a research journal.


ENGIN, Marion, 2011. Research Diary: A Tool for Scaffolding. International Journal of Qualitative Methods [online]. 1 September 2011. Bd. 10, Nr. 3, S. 296–306. [Zugriff am: 5 Juli 2024]. DOI 10.1177/160940691101000308. Verfügbar unter: https://doi.org/10.1177/160940691101000308