Names and terms to replace with less disrespectful ones

Term/Name Replacement
Alpha (Garou Pack) Zedakh (From Changing Ways)
Alpha (Wolf Pack) Wolf Parents - Delineating intentionally for kin-wolves. In the old books the language around lupus was a little…rapey,
Beta (Garou Pack) Uldakh (From Changing Ways)
Cabal Circle
Croatan (Tribe) Middle Brother
Fetish Talisman (Canon to W5 but also used in legacy M:tAs and KotE for similar but not identical concepts), Artifice is available
Fianna Hart Wardens, Klaiven (First Tongue - Blazing Fire)
Master (MtAs Rank) Keeper, Witness, Scholar (Mage)
Metis Wyld-Born, Garou-born, Bastet-born, Grondr-born, Hyaena-born, Rat-born, Raven-born; Crinos-born, crinos breed (Most analogous to the other terms for breeds), or Warborn (encompassing all)
(Metis) Deformity Condition, Wyld Warp (shifting away from disability and more towards Pan’s Labyrinth flavored ‘not of this world’ asymmetry)
Omega (Garou Pack) Taldakh (Changing Ways)
Pure Lands Dawn Lands
Pure Ones Dawn Wolves - Older Brother, Middle Brother, Younger Brother
Pure Tribes Dawn Tribes - (OB & YB, Corax, Gurahl, Mokolé, Nuwisha, Pumonca, Qualmi)
Ronin Lost Folk (not married to this one); Sundered (Canonical old-form term from page 23 of Players Guide to Garou)
Skin-Dancers Stolen Moon(s)
Totem Patron
Uktena (Patron) River Serpent, Water Serpent
Uktena (Tribe) Older Brother, Ghost Council, Watchers of the Serpent
We***go (Patron) The Hungry Winter, Old Windtooth
Wego (Tribe)* Younger Brother / Winter’s Teeth
Wild West Manifest Destiny